New Police Chief Frank Eisner: Have Any QUestions??

You have a question for the new police chief? I’ll ask for you! Let me know by tomoroo 1100 am and I’ll try and include it in questions we are preparing.

“As Victoria’s new police chief caps off his first week on the job, Frank Elsner knows expectations are high and a lot of people are watching for any big shifts within the department.
But Elsner said his focus right now is relationship-building, with Victoria and Esquimalt city council, the region’s six other police chiefs and the citizens he’s charged with keeping safe.”

He IS about AMALGAMATION, its why he was hired, just so you know.
“Elsner comes to Victoria after four years as chief of Greater Sudbury police, an amalgamated force of six smaller departments that covers a sprawling 3,267 square kilometres, making it geographically the largest municipality in Ontario.”

Undercover: “:Elsner spent the early part of his career doing deep undercover work to infiltrate gangs in Ontario. In his 20s at the time, he said he didn’t tell his parents what he was doing. Certain details — such as his stints in prison and getting beaten up — his mother didn’t find out about until reading interviews with media. – 
“Elsner said it’s still too early for him to form an opinion on whether the department should rejoin the Regional Crime Unit, which focuses on prolific offenders. Victoria pulled out of the regional team in 2009 and last year set up its own crime-reduction unit. –
FYI: 2009 was when OLymPIGS security came a knocking, coincidence? What happened to the money after they pulled out? Stalking poor and homeless / some drinkers and illicit drug users maybe?

So, you say Its been a long time?
“It’s been a long time since Stephen Harper called me and asked for my opinion on something,” he quipped. Elsner wouldn’t say whether he supports marijuana legalization, saying it’s a policy decision for governments.”

Bottom line, He listens to his boss who IS Harper, and he is being a right Neo COn DIcktator Jerk NOT listening to citizens of Canada instead pursuing destructive Greed KKKApitalism with full support of QUeen and EU: he pursues disgusting dictator power trippy war KKKrap. Resist and Protect, ALL of Life, at Home and Abroad, Local and Global. 

the end.