We have the privilege to hear a bit more from Kim Freeman, a member of VANDU and a community builder and leader amongst her own. Her story is featured in our film Taking The Fall and Rising. Part of her rich story: She was adopted and loved her mom and dad very much, and they her. When her mom died she fell apart and came to Victoria. She was unable to stay in Vancouver “After my mom died I lost it right? I saw my mom everywhere, it was too hard, I had to leave Vancouver and I came to this town.” Kim supports those whose lives are lived on the margins, under police scrutiny, constantly stigmatized and, really, its all about pain.
Not just personal pain, that is there and yet: there is this systemic pain, this unnecesary pain created by the very system we hold up, pain derived from a system that is without compassion. This very system is filled with kind people who’s intentions are lost within a power over system that Stanford thankfully wrote about!
It breaks my heart that people are criminilised for saying NO to a very unjust and unhealthy system. There are many communities and within them old skool who learn from each other and some are leaders.  Together they form a tight knit group and support each other.  They welcomed me and its been very healing for me in my personal journey.

I was horrified as to the numbers of deaths lately on our streets due to heroin over doses. Broke my heart so bad I worked extra to get this to you.
Please listen with your heart. Comments will need to be approved and, I promise to get them all up.